
Kommittee is a very important (and unique) aspect of Ris-Living. It is Risley's self-governing body, where residents and groups bring up building- related issues, propose programs/events, and allocate spaces for said programs and events. Kommitee is governed by an Executive Board (see-below) and guided by their ever-evolving Charter.

Kommittee is every Sunday evening at 9:00pm in Risley's Central Living  Room (CLR)

  • How do I propose a program or event?

    Prepare a detailed description of your idea so that it can be explained and understood to a group of people with diverse interests. Where would you like it to be held? When do you want it to happen, and how long will it last? Will you need any supplies, what kind, and how much will they cost? (Providing a price quote makes Kommittee love you, but even ballpark amounts will be appreciated and will help.) Will you be selling tickets? Will you be serving food? Will you be making noise? What kind of equipment will you need to pull it off? Make sure that you've thought it out and are ready for questions about it. Have some backup plans just in case! And don't forget to advertise!

  • How do I paint a mural?

    One of the most awesome (and obvious) things about Risley is that there are murals almost everywhere. So how do you get to make one of your own? You have to propose your mural at Kommittee and talk to the RHD. You should have a well-drawn version of what you would like to paint, and you should know where you would like to put it as well as potential paint colors. If your mural is approved by Kommittee, you can use Risley's art shop equipment. It is very helpful if you have examples of other artwork you have done, to show the kind of work that you are capable of. If you don't have any, make sure that your mock up drawing of the mural is very detailed and specific!