TIP does not provide translations for legal documents and does not authenticate legal documents. Although TIP offers translation and interpretation services for a wide variety of emergency and non-emergency situations, TIP is a student-run program and is not legally certified to provide translations for legal documents such as the following:
- licenses
- certificates
- contracts
- leases
- transcripts
- diplomas
- identification documents
- immunization records
TIP does not certify volunteers as American Sign Language (ASL) interpreters. Since the founding of the program in 2000, TIP has always referred any emergency and non-emergency requests for ASL interpreters to professional American Sign Language interpretation agencies as per the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
TIP's services are free for the community and are not meant to replace community members' linguistic capabilities. TIP advocates for the use of local language communities as the program would best be serving its mission statement through the empowerment of local communities.
TIP volunteers are not professional translators/interpreters. They are only able to accept translation/interpretation requests through the program or the Public Service Center. Although all of our volunteers have attended our Volunteer Training Session and their language skills have been confirmed by the instructors for their respective languages, their translations/interpretations cannot be said to be official in any way.
If you are in need of a professionally certified translator or interpreter, we recommend you contact a professional translation/interpretation agency.
However, please note that TIP works independently and does not work with other translation/interpretation agencies. As such, we are unable to recommend any services.