Buddhist Studies at Cornell

Cornell University is a unique location for interdisciplinary and cross-cultural studies of Buddhism. The diverse interests of our faculty, strong graduate student community, support from all three area programs and rich library and archival resources allow us to pursue varied, innovative and dynamic studies of Buddhism across time, space and media.

Our Faculty

Anne M. Blackburn, Professor of Buddhist Studies and South Asian Studies

Daniel Boucher, Associate Professor of East Asian Religions

Arnika Fuhrmann, Associate Professor of Southeast Asian Studies

Jane Marie Law, Associate Professor of Japanese Religion and Ritual Studies

Tamara Loos, Professor of History and Asian Studies

Lawrence J. McCrea, Professor of Sanskrit Studies

Past Chairs

The Society for Buddhist Studies is led entirely by graduate students, with the support of our faculty advisors. The following students have served as past Chairs.

Liyu Hua and Saumya Sethia (2022-23)

MK Long and Yuanyuan Duan (2021-22)

Bruno M. Shirley (2019-21)