Graduate and Professional Student Assembly Finance Committee



What is the GPSAFC?  And more importantly, how can I get money?

Graduate and Professional Student Assembly Finance Committee (GPSAFC) is funding branch of the Graduate and Professional Student Assembly (GPSA). GPSAFC is a registered student organization of Cornell University and is the Primary Funding Source for Cornell's Graduate and Professional Student Organizations.

If you are a graduate or professional student, you may have noticed that there is an activity fee.  A different committee, the Appropriations Committee (AC), helps decide the fee and whether to give money directly to organizations such as the Cornell Cinema. We at the Finance Committee (FC) assign funding direct to student-run organizations and consult Student Organization navigate Funding Guidelines.  (When you submit a budget through CampusGroups, there are actual humans- SOBO (Student Organizaiton Business Office) and us ( looking at it! With this student run system, your activity fee gets used for fun, inclusive events.  For quick tips on how to get money from the GPSAFC please see our quick-start guide, and for more detailed information check out our guidelines.

This organization is a registered student organization of Cornell University