Past Lectures

Can We Have Faith in Science?

Prof. Jonathan Buttaci (September 2023)

Death of the Soul: Why Would the Human Soul Survive the Death of the Body?

Fr. Ambrose Little (April 2023)

The Service of the Emotions in the Moral Life

Prof. W. Scott Cleveland (March 2023)

What Does It Mean to Think?: An Introduction to Classical Cognitive Psychology

Prof. Joshua Hochschild (October 2022)

What is a Soul?

Prof. Marie George (September 2022)

Wasting Time Well: Leisure as the Point of Education

Dr. R.J. Snell (April 2022)

What Makes a Good Person: The Cardinal Virtues and Living Well

Prof. Raymond Hain (March 2022)

Fr. Jordan The Bible as Revealed Truth and its Relation to Rational Thought

Fr. Jordan Schmidt (November 2021)

Philosophy, Religion, and Rationality

Prof. Michael Groman (September 2021)

Friendship and Happiness: Insights from Aristotle and Aquinas

Dr. Jennifer Frey (September 2020)

What is Matter? From Aristotle to Quantum Mechanics and Back AgainDr. Edward Feser (February 2020)

The Cogitative Power: A Missing Piece in Philosophical Psychology

Dr. Mark Barker (October 2019)

Mind Over Matter: Thomistic Perspectives on Human Consciousness

Dr. Therese Cory (September 2019)

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