Funding Application

2023-2024 Updates

To request co-sponsorship funding from ALANA, please submit a budget request via your organization's CampusGroups accounting book. ALANA provides up to $750 for each student organization per semester.

To request additional allocations from ALANA beyond your organization's semesterly allotment, please submit an application here. Applications are reviewed on a case-by-case basis. You must provide event info -- date, location, purpose, expected attendance, quotes/invoices, blurb of event, and the event MUST be intercultural and open to the Cornell community.

Please note that only ALANA sub-organizations are eligible for funding. If you are an ALANA sub-organization and are not seeing the budget request for ALANA or your umbrella on the CampusGroup's accounting book, please contact

Joining as an organization under ALANA's umbrella:
Please submit an application here for review.

  • If there are any questions about the funding process, please email and the ALANA treasurer will get back to you as soon as possible

Note: The umbrella organizations (BSU, CAPSU, LAL, NAISAC, MCFAB, and SAC) also provide funding for their sub-organizations (please see their CampusGroup's page for more details).