Self-Care & Self-Compassion with Mimi Cole
Private Location (sign in to display)
Registration is now closed (this event already took place).
Event over Zoom; In-person option: Willard Straight 414
Link: https://cornell.zoom.us/j/94871859399?pwd=MzVDTDhLNUV6NUwzZ3B0QTBudjBPZz09
Sponsored by B.O.S.S. (@bebossy22 )& Cornell Minds Matter (@cornellmindsmatter)
Mimi Cole, MS, LPC-MHSP (temp) is a therapist at New Moon Rising Wellness, a group private practice in Franklin, TN. She is the founder of the Lovely Becoming and the hostess of the Lovely Becoming podcast, sharing from her lived, clinical, and research experiences. Mimi is the co-author of A Body Image Workbook for Every Body: Your Guide for Deconstructing Diet Culture and Learning How To Respect, Nourish, and Care for Your Whole Self. Her work has been featured in various notable publications including HuffPost, Well+Good, and the New York Times. Mimi is also a frequent podcast guest and has collaborated with numerous organizations including the National Alliance for Eating Disorders, the International OCD Foundation, Eating Recovery Center, the National Eating Disorder Association, and more. Mimi is passionate about constantly creating a more trauma-informed practice rooted in radical compassion and validation. She loves creating trainings
and exploring the role of attachment wounds from early childhood in our current daily lives.
You can find Mimi on Instagram at @the.lovelybecoming or on her website: www.mimi-cole.com