From: The High Rises: Jameson Hall and High Rise 5
Date: September 7, 2021
Subject: High Rise Community Newsletter, September 7th

  • Please remember to wear your mask 322 positives between 8/27-9/2 as of 9/4/21.
  • Please do not jump in the elevators.
  • Elevator capacity is 6 people at the moment to minimize the risk of it breaking.
  • RAs are beginning to program! Keep an eye out on the social media and future newsletter.
  • Due to the increase in COVID-19 cases, effective immediately, no unauthorized visitors (family and friends of residents) are permitted in Cornell’s residential buildings at this time.

Final Community Meetings

Register for one of the final community meetings below.

There are only three time slots left!

Tuesday, September 7
Start End   Event         Location
7:00pm 8:00pm Community Meeting #3- Final Meeting High Rise 5 Sky Lounge
Wednesday, September 8
7:30pm 8:30pm Community Meeting #3- Final Meeting High Rise 5 Sky Lounge
Friday, September 17
5:30pm 6:30pm Community Meeting #3- Final Meeting RECOVERY High Rise 5 Sky Lounge

Upcoming Programs

Other Opportunities and Announcements

News from Cornell Health

Concerned about COVID-19 symptoms / exposure?

Students who experience symptoms of COVID-19 – or have had close contact with someone diagnosed with (or being tested for) COVID-19 – should call Cornell Health for medical consultation and screening for diagnostic testing: 607-255-5155 (24/7). Learn more about COVID testing and care at Cornell Health.

Fall CAPS counseling groups & workshops
Cornell Health’s free online counseling groups and CAPS-led workshops begin the week of September 7. Group counseling topics include anxiety, depression, and mindfulness, with groups especially for students of color and LGBTQ+ students. CAPS also offers skills-based workshops on sleep, imposter syndrome, procrastination, and self-compassion. Find other ways to support your mental health and well-being on Cornell Health’s Mental Health Care page, or by visiting the university’s new Mental Health at Cornell website.

On-campus flu vaccine clinics start September 8
Sign up for a timeslot to get your free flu shot at one of Cornell’s on-campus flu vaccine clinics! Annual flu vaccination is always strongly recommended for college students, but is especially important during the COVID-19 pandemic. Learn more on Cornell Health’s website.

Sustainability Where You Live

Important Dates

  • Friday, 9/3 Deadline to register as a Compost Manager – training will occur on 9/4 (timeline below if you signed up but still reach out if you are interested in participating)
Time / Location
Saturday, 9/18
Choice of session:
11:00am – via Zoom
2:00pm – via Zoom
Bucket Pick-up
Sunday, 9/19
Choice of location:
11:00am-12:30pm – RPCC parking lot
1:00pm-2:30pm – Cook House parking lot
Compost Launch
Monday, 9/20
  • Tuesday, 9/7 Residential composting begins – only for communities with volunteer CMs
  • Monday, 9/13 First meeting for Residential Sustainability Leaders – students can join anytime

Club Announcements


June Birthdays

6/2: Chester L.
6/7: Ana S.

July Birthdays

7/5: Adam N.
7/13: Saleha  T.
7/15: Daniela G.
7/17: Benny R.
7/20: Nigel W.
7/24: Barbara L.
7/24: Lena T.
7/25: Nick W.
7/27: Anthony W.
7/31: Penglai Q.

August Birthdays

8/3: Malcolm M.
8/3: Hannah L.
8/7: RA Sophie
8/8: Ellie S.
8/13: Nazir W.
8/14: Julian C.
8/16: Reed S.
8/18: Marshall B.
8/29: Elliot K.
8/30: Jules R.

September Birthdays
(up until next week)

9/4: Ariani G.
9/5: Joseph K.
9/6: Erin L.
9/7: Anthony P.
9/9: Josh S.
9/9: Dylan P.
9/11: Kathryn S.