The State fire safety inspection will occur tomorrow, 3/6 from 10am-5pm. A Campus Life Facilities staff member and Hall Professional will be joining the inspector. Below is a general (but not all inclusive) list of what we will be looking for:

Storage too close to: Nothing can be closer than 18 inches to a sprinkler head or smoke detector.
Things hanging on pipes
Furniture re-arranged in a manner that compromises functioning of the sprinkler system
- The improper storage of combustible items (paints, charcoal, etc.) - Storing flammable liquids or gases is not permitted in the residence halls.
- Objects hanging from the ceiling - Objects may not be 18 inches or closer to the ceiling or to any fire safety device.
- Extension cords and multi-plug adaptors (power strips are fine)
- Power strips plugged into extension cords (piggy backing cords into cords is not permitted).
- Blocked /wedged open doors - They have to be able to freely close in case of fire.
- Microwaves: Due to wattage requirements, microwave ovens other than those rented by Cornell's approved vendor (Micro-fridge) may not be used in student bedrooms.
- Items on outside of student doors - Every door is allowed to have equivalent to 1 - 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of paper per per occupant per door and 1 - 10x14 dry erase board.
- "Spider Lamps" - These have caused a lot of fires in residence halls, and they are not permitted in Cornell residences.
- Candles- Candles and incense are not permitted for use or display.
- Covered or tampered with smoke detectors
- Unsafe levels of clutter, storage, debris or recycling (clean your room !)
- Use of personal curtains/drapes/tapestries are not permitted (code-mandated fire retardant requirement)
- Fabric or clothing draped over light fixtures
- Fake plants or greenery
If you have any questions about this, please feel free to email RHD Tatiyana (tr389). If you are unsure if something is allowed – send me a picture and I can confirm.