From: Club Sports Council Date: January 25, 2023 Subject: CSC New Year Updates
Happy 2023 Clubs Sports Players!
Club Sports Council is excited to start the new year at a run as sports get underway for the winter season. We have some important updates about upcoming CSC changes, spring budgets and Giving Day among other things.
G-Body Meetings and Elections
With the calendar year having come to a close, Clubs Sports Council is looking for interested club sports members to apply to become an officer on Club Sports Council. The positions currently up for election would be President, Executive Vice President, Vice President of Finance and multiple other Vice President positions. The positions would be for the 2023-2024 calendar year. Any undergraduate member of club sports can apply to these positions, but the Vice President of Finance applicants must have served as a treasurer of a club organization or in a different funding commission such as SAFC. Information on these positions and election timeline will be emailed out in the upcoming weeks.
In addition, as Club Sports Council continues to develop as a funding commission for all of club sports, we are continuing to improve our operations and better tend to the needs of club sports. In order to generate a more in-depth relationship between Club Sports Council and the clubs we serve, we are establishing G-body meetings that will occur 2-3 times per semester. Club sports organizations that receive funding from Club Sports Council are expected to each send at least one representative, preferably a current officer of the organization, to these meetings. Please look out for a email next week about when this meeting will take place.
Spring Budgets and Tournament Funding
The rolling budget system is still in effect for this semester with our commissioners and Vice President of Finance starting to review budgets next week. Please review the Finance Guidelines as you begin to submit budget and payment requests. There will be one finance information session (date/time TBD) at the beginning of this semester for any treasurers or presidents that are unfamiliar with Club Sports Council budgets.
For those clubs participating in tournaments, competitions or games (home or away), the tournament fund can still be used as a financial resource. The semester budget cap for the tournament fund will be increased and some of the guidelines will be adjusted. For information on the new caps and any guideline changes, please see the Tournament Fund application.
Upcoming Events - ClubFest, Giving Day
Spring ClubFest is coming up soon on Sunday, February 5th. Club sports organizations may sign up for the 2pm-4pm session in order to spread the word about your organization and recruit more members. Registration for ClubFest will be open until Sunday, January 29th and can be done here. Please ensure that only one officer of your organization registers your group for ClubFest.
Cornell Giving Day is a great opportunity for all Cornell student organizations to fundraise, including club sports organizations. It is coming up March 16th, 2023. In order to request a link or a full page and find more information about Giving Day, please take a look at Campus Activities' information document for 2023 Giving Day. Deadlines for registering to participate in Giving Day are coming up soon!
Club Reservations for On-Campus Spaces
We are working with Cornell Athletics now to finalize the reservation process for the spring semester. We will send out a separate email within the next week.
We look forward to hearing from interested applicants who want to join Club Sports Council and be part of shaping the way club sports operates at Cornell. In addition, we look forward to continuing to work with all of our organizations this semester to best give the resources club sports need to operate in order to maintain a fun and safe environment. Any organizations that are beginning to operate this semester but did not register in the fall must register ASAP in order to receive CSC funding, reserve space on campus and register for ClubFest. Stay tuned for details about the new G-body meetings as well as safety training and finance information sessions for this semester.