Sustainable Clothing Upcycling
Registration is now closed (this event already took place).
Join Cornell Thrift to learn how to upcycle your clothing! Bring a piece of clothing to re-style or upcycle or just enjoy the demonstration. Materials will be provided.
Join Sustainability Engagement Manager Kim Anderson for a discussion on how to be clean and green with your laundry practices! We will be giving away FREE Wool Dryer Balls to replace single use dryer sheets.
The average American gets rid of 81 pounds of clothing EACH YEAR. Bring your textiles you would like to part with, and see if anyone would like to take them off your hands!
Hosted By
Co-hosted with: Ujamaa Residential College, Latino Living Center, Mary Donlon Hall, Court-Kay-Bauer Hall, Townhouse Community, The High Rises: Jameson Hall and High Rise 5, Mews and Loving House: the LGBTQ+ Living Learning Unit, Clara Dickson Hall, Risley Residential College, Low Rises 6 & 7, Ecology House - Hurlburt Residential College for Environmental Education and Awareness, Akwe:kon, Just About Music Program House, Holland International Living Center, The Multicultural Living Learning Unit (McLLU), Toni Morrison Hall, Ganędagǫ: Hall, North Campus Faculty Living-Learning Programs, Ruth Bader Ginsburg Hall, Barbara McClintock Hall, Hu Shih Hall
Contact the organizers