Early College Awareness

Serving local students for higher education agency

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About Us

ECA is a college access program that educates rural middle and high school students about higher education to help them find opportunities in their interests and to prepare for their future.

We operate under the David M. Einhorn Center for Community Engagement!

Our Mission

"We are comitted to serving disadvantaged and underserved students by providing greater agency to higher education by informing grade school students about the different aspects of attending and applying to college."

Our School Partner

ECA partners with Ithaca High School (IHS) to serve its 10th grade students as part of their Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) program.

Our Programs

ECA holds a variety of targeted information sessions and activities at our partner schools throughout the school year, and at the end of the year, we reward our students with a Cornell campus tour for all their hard work!

Our Executive Board

Robert Taverni Profile

Robert Taverni

Primary Funding Board Consultant
Ariel Vang Profile

Ariel Vang

Co- President
Brittany Sun Profile

Brittany Sun

High School Coordinator
Alex Liew Profile

Alex Liew

Luke Chang Profile

Luke Chang

Jonah Sherbansky Profile

Jonah Sherbansky

Public Relations
Alyson Murphy Profile

Alyson Murphy

Working with Minors Staff
Paula Griffin Profile

Paula Griffin

Working with Minors Staff
Ollin DeAntonio Profile

Ollin DeAntonio

Primary Funding Board Consultant
Grace Zhang Profile

Grace Zhang

Co- President
Angela Miller Profile

Angela Miller

Bethany Resnick Profile

Bethany Resnick










Contact and Follow Us for More Updates!

Email: eca@cornell.edu

Instagram: @earlycollegeawareness

This Organization is a Registered Student Organization of Cornell University