Community Gardens at Cornell

We Invite you to garden with us!

join our mailing list

To join the mailing list, send an email message FROM the email address where you want to receive messages. Send the message to:  -  In the subject, enter the single word: join - Leave the body of the message blank

Join our facebook group at

Cornell students please join as a member of CampusGroups:

Contact us at to

About Us

We rent garden plots that include field preparation, compost, cover crops, and water.  Plots are available to Cornell students, members of the Cornell community, and area residents.

We furnish surplus vegetables we grow to the Food Donation Network.

We encourage Cornell scientists and researchers to visit and engage with us, as citizen scientists, to advance research.

This organization is a registered student organization of Cornell University.


General Information

  • Prospective gardeners can reach out at any time to be added to our mailing list. The mailing list is used to communicate important dates and direct people to reserve plots
  • There will be an optional meeting for club members and officers in the early spring
  • All of our members must complete a "Best Gardening Practices" gardening class provided by Cornell Cooperative Extension. We provide recordings of the session available for people who can't make it in person. We will record an attestation that each gardener reviewed the material
  • Gardening can begin after the fields are plowed and plots are marked. Usually early-mid May, although very wet weather can delay our access to the gardens.
  • Staking to mark the plots will be sometime in late April or early May. Volunteers are needed!
  • Some Gardeners Fence their plots and some don't.  It is a personal preference.  Deer are not a major problem but there are some smaller critters that may want to share the harvest.
  • Gardens must be cleared by 10am Saturday October 5, 2024 with a final volunteer group cleanup on October 5th so that the the fields can be prepared for the next season.
  • Fields are plowed each fall and disked each spring by Cornell Farm Services. We rotate gardening between the north and the south fields every two years. The 2024 season will be our first season in the south field. The other field is cover cropped with winter rye in the fall, inter-seeded with clover in the spring and mowed in the late summer of the first fallow year. The clover remains as cover for year two and is incorporated back into the soil at the end of year two.
  • Full Details of our license agreement with Cornell including expectations, rules and operating procedures: 2020-2021 Cornell Community Gardens License. (2023-2024 license coming soon)

Reservation Instructions

Complete the online form located here to register for a plot (there is a plot map below and in the online registration showing available plots). Plots are 20' X 25' and cost $30 per season. Registration Form here:

Registration for 2025 starting March 29th!

Registration Link:


If you have any problems completing the form online, please contact

Then pay for your plot(s) using paypal (be sure to add the number of plots you are reserving)

PayPal Link:


Send a check ($30 per plot) to
Community Gardens at Cornell
PO Box 4062
Ithaca, NY 14852-4062


The Gardens are located on Freese Road in Dryden Approximately 2 miles from the Cornell Campus (Google Maps:








