PSSP Summer 2024 Residential Staff positions - Application Now Open!

by Conference & Event Services

Open Event Housing Inclusion Job Opportunities Leadership Student Life

Thu, Feb 1, 2024 12:00 PM –

Wed, May 15, 2024 5:00 PM EST (GMT-5)

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Conference and Event Services is actively recruiting for Summer RA and RD positions to assist with the PSSP (Pre-Collegiate Summer Scholars Program).

RA positions are part-time and allow for flexible work schedules so you can take a summer class or have a second job too!

RD positions are full-time and help grow leadership skills while building relationships and networks across campus.

Come live on campus, enjoy a summer meal plan, get a living stipend, and help enrich the experience for participants of this summer program. Learn more and submit your application online: PSSP Summer Positions

Applications are now open and interviewing begins in March 2024. We hire on a rolling basis–meaning the sooner you apply, the better your chances are of being hired. We will accept applications and continue our interview processes until positions fill. Applications for Summer 2024 will close in mid-May at the latest.

Hosted By

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Co-hosted with: Residential Life, SCL, Language House, Alice Cook House, Balch Hall, Ujamaa Residential College, Latino Living Center, Mary Donlon Hall, Court-Kay-Bauer Hall, Townhouse Community, The High Rises: Jameson Hall and High Rise 5, Mews and Loving House: the LGBTQ+ Living Learning Unit, Clara Dickson Hall, Risley Residential College, Low Rises 6 & 7, Ecology House - Hurlburt Residential College for Environmental Education and Awareness, Akwe:kon, Just About Music Program House, Holland International Living Center, The Multicultural Living Learning Unit (McLLU), South Campus, Hasbrouck Community, Flora Rose House, William Keeton House, Hans A. Bethe House, Carl Becker House, Toni Morrison Hall, Ganędagǫ: Hall, Ruth Bader Ginsburg Hall, Barbara McClintock Hall, Hu Shih Hall, Southwest Campus

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