Becker Cafe: Personal and social sustainability: Building resilience through self-care and community wherever you are.
"At EcoVillage, we have dedicated our lives together to exploring sustainability in all its forms—personal, social, cultural, economic, environmental. While we’ve learned a lot about green buildings, the most unique things we’ve learned at EcoVillage are ways to live more sustainably, both personally and socially.
Your generation will be living through unprecedented environmental, technological and social upheaval. This conversation will give you a little perspective on how you can weather these myriad storms. In order to be resilient through these times, we need to look back at our evolutionary history to see what activities can ground us in times of great stress and change. We can sort those kinds of activities into two categories: self-care and community building. We’ll draw from EcoVillage examples to give you some ideas and inspiration to help build your toolkit for resilience."