TST BOCES Career Skills at Cornell

Help us create an encouraging environment for practicing career and communication skills!


About Us

Do you like helping students? Interested in disability studies? Mentor local high school students while participating in fulfilling and fun activities! Career Skills is a career exploration program at Cornell University designed to teach vocational-related skills to students who have an IEP (individual educational plan). These are students working towards acquiring a CDOS (Career Development Occupational Studies) Commencement Credential or the SACC. Collaborating with the Einhorn Center for Community Engagement, Career Skills provides student exploration of a variety of realistic career options on the Cornell campus. Cornell student mentors will partner with Tompkins-Seneca-Tioga Board of Cooperative Educational Services students and staff to help facilitate this process.

This Organization is a Registered Student Organization of Cornell University.









Sample Activities

  • Communication Skills: practicing introductions, maintaining eye contact, speaking to a group, engaging others in conversation, active listening
  • Career Skills: giving a firm handshake, preparing for an interview, giving 2 weeks' notice
  • Life Skills: trying new things, paying bills, managing a budget, career fair, practicing career related vocabulary
  • Well-Being: rock climbing, cooking (brunch, apple crisp, pizza), watching short films, playing interactive games (uno, geoguessr), drawing games
  • Presentations from guest speakers
  • https://youtu.be/szFaIkbkEtM

Our Schedule

Mentoring Sessions Mondays
Starting 2/6 in Kennedy Hall


ClubFest 2/5 from 2-4pm
Info Session 2/6 @3pm

Our Goal

Mentoring and reflecting with teamwork,  perseverance, and openness in mind.

2022-2023 e-Board

President Megan Chang '23

Vice President Marisa Radulescu '23

Secretary Rhea Munjal '23